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Celebrating the life of
Tammy Jo Grimes
April 10, 1961 - June 28, 2023

Tammy Grimes died early (of course) on Wednesday, June, 28th 2023 from COPD-induced heart failure.
Tam was born in Loudoun County, Virginia, and attended Waterford Elementary and Blue Ridge Middle until the family moved to Blacksburg, Virginia, where she graduated from Blacksburg High and Virginia Tech. From there she lived in NYC, Minneapolis, Shannandale, Christianburg, and finally, Savannah. She worked in food service; she worked in offices; she was a nanny and a second grade teacher; she worked with a land surveying team; she did elder care; she concocted smells and spells and herbal remedies. Oh, and she was also an actor, painter, poet, and singer. The rest of the time she devoted to rescuing animals and watching over her family, friends and neighbors. She was thoughtful and funny and generous and grouchy and spiritual and always way ahead of her time, and we all loved her.
Tammy was pre-decesed by her mother Ruth (Ward) Grimes and by her nephew Jason Holden. She is survived by her father, Master Chief Paul Grimes USN Ret., her sister Diana Grimes, her brother Stephen and his wife Ann, their daughters Catherine and Erin, and Erin's child Vere. Tam would not hear of a funeral, so the family will bury her ashes at a later date. If you would like to do something in memory of her, please donate to your local no-kill shelter or to Hospice Savannah.
I just heard this very sad news. We had lost touch over the years but Tammy was such a vibrant bright light when we were friends in college and throughout our 20’s. She was a scream! Could reduce us all to tears of laughter with her shenanigans. Such a unique and beautiful person. I’m thinking about her and all our fun times - and thinking of our other great friend from that era who passed away years ago - Steve Johnson. I’m sure they are laughing uproariously together right now. I attach a photo I’ve always kept on my fridge - and the note she wrote on the back. Very Tammy humor. And it always makes me laugh. See you later friend.
- Rory Heffernan, Long Beach, CA
Tammy helped care for my parents in their final years. She was the Mary Poppins of care givers for us. I will always be in her debt. A friend since 1975, she made me laugh out loud countless times. Sending peace to all Tammy Jo's friends and family
- Linda Webb Hinson, Blacksburg, VA
A laugh never to be forgotten, a hug that always came at the right time, a compassion for other souls with 2 or 4 legs, and I am so sad that Tammy has gone. My heart is with you Diana, Steve and your families.
- Susan Webb, Mint Hill, NC
Paul, Diana & Steve and all of Tammy’s family. I’m so sad to know that Tammy passed. She was a person who everyone connected with. I count myself blessed to have had her in my life. When i think of my highschool years she is there in all my memories…. Mostly drawing laughter from everyone. I loved her and i loved her family. I am better for having been with the Grimes during that tome in my life. Anything i say is insufficient to describe how i feel, but i am crying and smiling as i write this and so that is my true heart for my friend Tammy Jo. I know she is resting in peace, so i will just set out to remember her well. May the Grace and Peace of Jesus carry you through this time of grief and may your memories bring forth your true love for Tammy Jo. With tremendous love for the Grimes! Karen
- Karen Ligon, Blacksburg , VA
I was so saddened to hear this new about Tammy, whom I knew from Virginia Tech. She graduated from the theater department when I was a freshman, but a few years later we performed in Alice in Wonderland together for the Virginia Tech Summer Arts festival. We'd walk home at night after every rehearsal and show, and at her house (my halfway point) she'd kiss me on the cheek and say, "Safe home," what everyone used to say who had lived in New York. (I never thought I could live in New York, and here I am; I probably have Tammy to thank for that.) In that show, Tammy played (among many characters) Humpty Dumpty, and at the end of her scene atop a wall, she fell backwards into the waiting arms of two actors--total trust--and I marveled at her bravery: she'd lived in New York City, she tumbled blind off a wall in front of an audience. Throughout the years I knew her (performing in Hair as a guest artist, I remember), she'd suggest books on health and healing, had an herb remedy for everything (including my ear infection), and told hilarious stories about her creative life. What a total doll. Sending love and deepest condolences to her family and friends, and thank you for that joyful photo, that glorious face.
- Lisa O'Hara, New York, NY
Dear Grimes Family, I am late to hear the news about Tammy’s passing, but it’s never too late to bring forth memories of raucous laughter, joy and outright love and happiness that all shared in high school with our wacky friend Tammy! She was a one of a kind shining light that we all drew close to like a great moths once she moved into Blacksburg. I loved that she called her mom Ralph and was astounded that her family freely used the ‘f’ word in conversation (my teeth would be scrubbed with soap). Though I’ve not seen Tammy since high school, yet she will always be a beautiful part of my life. I know she is dancing among heaven’s stars - where I will reconnect with her again!
- Becky Worner Underwood, Pulaski, VA
Tammy was my friend growing up in Paeonian Springs. We lived across the street from each other and attended Waterford Elementary. We played together all day long. There were more boys in the neighborhood so Tammy and I stuck together. She was an actress even in elementary school. I remember being in plays and listening to her sing. She had a little party when we were in middle school and played spin the bottle with the boys. I probably kissed a boy for the first time with her help and the party! Tammy was a gorgeous girl and a really good friend. Once her family moved we lost contact. I tried to locate her for many years with no luck. I was so saddened to hear of her passing. Sending love to her family.
- Sharon Affinito - formerly Decker from Paeonian Springs , Ranson, WV
I am very late seeing this, and am so saddened by the loss. I had the incredible privilege of knowing Tammy when we were in theatre together at Virginia Tech. Her spirit and energy literally electrified every situation, and she was responsible for so many fun memories I have of that time. I often found myself wishing I was more like her - less uptight, more of a free spirit, game for anything. I am so grateful for her friendship and the impact she had on my life. The world is certainly much more dim without her.
- Rhea (Kessler) Calfee, Midlothian, VA
I am so saddened to hear of Tammy's passing. She was a very special person to me and I will always remember her fondly.
- Mark Frawley, Edgewater, MD
Services under the direction of:
Fox & Weeks Funeral Directors, Hodgson Chapel
- No Funeral Service