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Celebrating the life of
Rafael Reyes
Passed away on May 26, 2023
![Rafael Reyes](/assets/img/obits/IMG_1044.jpg)
Amados hermanos y consiervos:
Les informo que el Pastor y Apostol Rafael Reyes partió con el Señor. El día Mayo 26, 2023 el Padre decidió llevarlo a su presencia. Nos sometemos a su voluntad, la cual es agradable y perfecta. En la tierra sentimos tristeza por su ausencia, pero el cielo se regocija por recibir a un hombre que vivió para agradar a Dios.
Nuestro amado hermano y compañero de milicia, terminó su carrera con honra. Doy testimonio que el pastor Rafael amó y temió a Dios con corazón sincero y recto. Era un varón de profunda convicción espiritual. Abrazó la vida del reino con fe firme e inquebrantable. Vivió para agradar a Dios y llevar al pueblo a su Señor. El fruto de su ministerio se hace visible en su familia y en las iglesias que él estableció, con la guianza y el poder del Espíritu Santo.
Les pido sus oraciones a favor de su esposa Aida Reyes, y sus hijas: Laura del Pilar Peynado Mastropasqua, Celeste Brock, Katherine Reyes, Abigail Reyes y Delaia Reyes. También, por las iglesias que él estableció. Pidamos al Señor que derrame sobre todos ellos un bálsamo de consolación y fortaleza.
Saludos, abrazos y bendiciones.
Pastor Juan R. Fernández
Beloved brothers and sisters:
On May 26, 2023 the Pastor and Apostol Rafael Reyes went to be with the Lord. On this day, the Father decided to take him into His presence and we submit to His will which is good, pleasing, and perfect. Here on earth, we feel sadness due to the absence of our pastor and friend but there is rejoicing in the heavens because a great man who lived to please God has finally returned home.
Our beloved brother and friend finished the great race with honor. I give testimony that Pastor Rafael Reyes loved and feared the Lord with a heart that was both sincere, and upright. He was a man of deep spiritual conviction. He embraced the life of the kingdom with a firm and unbreakable faith. He lived to please God and to lead people to the Lord. The fruit of his ministry is visible in his family and in the churches that he has established with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
I ask that your prayers be with his wife Aida Reyes, and his daughters: Laura del Pilar Peynado Mastropasqua, Celeste Brock, Katherine Reyes, Abigail Reyes and Delaia Reyes. We also ask for prayer for the churches that he has established. We ask that the Lord would pour out his healing balm of consolation and strength.
Greetings, a warm embrace, and blessings.
Pastor Juan R. Fernández
Services under the direction of:
Fox & Weeks Funeral Directors, Hodgson Chapel
- Memorial Service
- 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM on Thu, June 01, 2023
- Fox & Weeks Funeral Directors, Hodgson Chapel
7200 Hodgson Memorial Drive (map)
Savannah GA 31406 - 912-352-7200
- Visitation
- 12:00-1:00 PM on Thu, June 01, 2023
- Fox & Weeks Funeral Directors, Hodgson Chapel
7200 Hodgson Memorial Drive (map)
Savannah GA 31406 - 912-352-7200
- Memorial Service
- 12:30 - 1:30 PM on Fri, June 02, 2023
- Fox & Weeks Funeral Directors, Hodgson Chapel
7200 Hodgson Memorial Drive (map)
Savannah GA 31406 - 912-352-7200
- Visitation
- 1:30 - 2:30 PM on Fri, June 02, 2023
- Fox & Weeks Funeral Directors, Hodgson Chapel
7200 Hodgson Memorial Drive (map)
Savannah GA 31406 - 912-352-7200
- Burial
- 3:00 PM on Fri, June 02, 2023
- Greenwich Cemetery
330 Greenwich Road (map)
Savannah GA 31404 - 912-651-6843