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Celebrating the life of

Bonnie Todd Green

August 11, 1946 - January 12, 2022

Bonnie Todd Green

Bonnie Todd Green, age 75, died January 12, 2022 at her residence in Atlanta from natural causes.  She was a native of Savannah, had lived in New York City, and lived for an extended time in Atlanta.  She formerly worked as a flight attendant, then as a clerical assistant, before becoming disabled.  She was of the Catholic faith.

Surviving are cousins, Todd Bullock, Thema Gene Piland, Linda Greenway, and Jackie Walker; and an aunt, Marie Todd.

A graveside service and burial will be Wednesday, January 19, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. at Bonaventure Cemetery.



So sorry to hear of your passing Bonnie. Be comforted now, free from pain and rest with the Lord. May the souls of the faithfully departed through the mercy God rest in peace. Your friend & neighbor- Joe Trahan

- Joe Trahan, Atlanta, ga

My condolences to the family of Bonnie Green. Bonnie and I met i kept in touch via phone since that time. She enjoyed reading and discussing a variety of topics. She loved cooking and working in the kitchen there and learning about health and Yoga. She was spunky and bright with a love for animals. She adopted several feral cats to come and go from home over the years. She would ride the bus and bring food to sites where she saw hungry stray cats. It was difficult in the last few years coping with her illness. She was, however, very blessed to have angels like Linda Berggren and some nearby neighbors to help her through the difficulty.

- Diane Stevens, Ypsilanti , Mi

Hello to Bonnie’s family. We have been friends and neighbors of Bonnie’s for many years. Bonnie was so well read and knowledgeable, sharing interesting things. When she had work done on her house, she recalled an article in the Martha’s Vineyard Gazette citing a paint color that repelled carpenter bees. She conferred with a reference librarian and had the ceiling of her front porch painted ‘haint blue.’ When she realized that Scott was from Chicago, Bonnie recalled works by Carl Sandburg - a U.S. Poet Laureate from Chicago. One year for Christmas she sent us chocolate covered pretzels from Dietsch Brothers and we have been enjoying them since. I shared muffins and cookies when I baked and would be treated to a message with Bonnie’s lovely voice and kind words of appreciation. Scott helped her with things around the house and, along with others, helped care for Bonnie the last few months. We shared stories and she helped us get a laugh out of things with her quick wit. We last saw Bonnie the Saturday before she passed. She shared a story of helping a German-speaking tourist in New York City get on the correct bus. It was a reflection on the kindnesses we show each other. We will miss our neighbor and our friend.

- Rose Connolly / Scott Furlong, Atlanta, Georgia

We all mourn the loss of Bonnie and rejoice that she is finally at rest. The Berggrens would not exist if Betty and George had not introduced our parents on a blind date. Mom worked with Betty at Southern Bell and lived in same boarding house with the Greens. Dad joined the Navy in early 1942 and initially was stationed at Naval Recruiting Office in Atlanta with George before they were shipped out for service in WWII.

- Berggren Family, Metro Atlanta, Ga

No one missed Bonnie more than her “partner” Joanie. Here is a poem Bonnie wrote in honor of her beloved feral cat: Joanie’s more beautiful than Ava Gardner and she’s my partner Charcoal grey like velvet fine Grey-green eyes like mine White locket at her neck; she gives me a peck Joanie’s more beautiful than Ava Gardner and she’s my partner

- Joanie Green, Atlanta, Ga

A candle has been lit!

My father, William M. Green, told me I had a cousin in GA that was tall like me in 1967 when I was 17 yrs. old. Unfortunately, we never met. She sounds like a lovely person I would have enjoyed knowing. Thank you Rose and others for your lovely comments describing my cousin Bonnie.

- Jacqueline Green Cooper, Miami, FL

Services under the direction of:

Fox & Weeks Funeral Directors, Hodgson Chapel