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Celebrating the life of
Nellie Wallace Tanner
Passed away on December 19, 2019

Nellie Wallace Tanner, 91, passed away Thursday, December 19, 2019 at her residence. The lifelong resident of Savannah was a homemaker and a sixty plus year member of Bible Baptist Church. She taught Sunday school for over 50 years and was very involved in the church day care. She was preceded in death by her husband, Harris Tanner and daughter, Nancy Tanner Agnew and three sisters.
Above all, Mrs. Tanner loved her Lord and her church family at Bible Baptist Church. Serving the church whether it was teaching in Sunday school, assisting in the daycare or supporting the church missions were the most important things in her life. Of course, after her Lord, her family was always in her heart. She treasured her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren and cherished and loved them unconditionally and prayed for them each and every day. As the matriarch of the Tanner family, she will be truly missed.
Surviving are her sons, Alan Tanner (Bonnie) and Dan Tanner; six grandchildren, fifteen great grandchildren and a niece and nephew.
The funeral service will be held at 2:00 p.m., Monday, December 23, 2019 at Bible Baptist Church. The family will receive friends from 12:00 p.m. until 2:00 p.m. prior to the service.
Interment will follow in Bonaventure Cemetery.
Remembrances: Hope Children’s Home, 11415 Hope International Dr., Tampa, FL 33625 www.hopechildrenshome.org or Bible Baptist Church Mission Fund, 4700 Skidaway Rd., Savannah, GA 31404.
The family would like to extend their heartfelt appreciation to granddaughter Leigh Ann Dailey, Flo Shaw, Rosalind Holton, Rev. Tommy East of Bible Baptist Church and the entire Bible Baptist Church family for their kindness and care given to Mrs. Tanner in her later years.
Danny, just saw your mom’s obituary going through FB this Christmas morning. I’m so sorry for your loss. I know, with all you and others who have shared, your mom was a wonderful Christian woman and I’m confident that her testimony confirms her eternity with our Savior. It helps in letting go of the ones we love to know we, too, will join them when God calls us home. Praying for peace and comfort during this difficult time. Hugs to you and your family.
- Melody Reagan Mammay, Savannah , GA
We are so sorry for the loss of Mrs. Tanner. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family during this difficult time.
- Nancy Rowland/ Marilyn Florie, Savannah, Ga
Time will never dim my memory of Ms. Tanner and the times we worked in Sunday School together. She was such a joy to watch as she worked with the children and molded their minds and hearts to love and serve Jesus. Oh, what rewards she has now in heaven! I will miss my dear sweet friend.
- Joan Brand, Savannah, Ga.
I will dearly miss my precious friend.
- Elaine Grooms, Sylvania, GA
What a wonderful reunion must be going on in Heaven this week! Mrs Tanner was my 6th grade Sunday School teacher back in the day at Bible Baptist Church. She and her husband were so faithful and loving. I will miss seeing her sweet smile on Sundays! Already looking forward to my reunion day with all my family members who are there and with all these dear sweet saints who have gone ahead!
- Kathy Hodges, Savannah, GA
Was a very special lady to me and I loved her very much I will miss her
- , ,
Ms. Tanner was a beautiful soul , we will miss seeing her on Sundays. She was always on the back row, smiling. You all are in our prayers. Susi and jimmy
- Jimmy and Susi Strickland , SAVANNAH , Ga
Mrs. Nell Tanner was my Contentment Mentor. She ended as well as she lived - content in the Lord. This unassuming, quiet little saint is now being embraced and honored in ways she never dreamed possible. I'm so happy for her. I have no memory of her not being in my life. She said she cared for my needs in the church nursery. She told me my Mama was the one who taught her how to plan her family meals around what was on sale at the grocery store to help her make her dollars stretch when she was a young mom. She gave my Mama all of Danny's outgrown clothes for my little brother. She said that her husband sat her down one day with instructions how to make friends at church. Her prior habit was to stand quietly against the wall before and after church to watch folks walk by. Bro.Harris told her that people would never realize how sweet and wonderful she is until she learned to walk up and speak to them in friendly tones. She said she'd never thought about it til his conversation about it with her. She told me she was proud to be the mama of her two boys and thanked God they were both good and honorable men who loved Jesus. She said she missed her daughter every day and knew she would be reunited with her soon. She loved reading biographies about each president of our country, but was embarrassed when a couple of them would use bad words in their book. She loved reading sermons and books by ministers, missionaries, evangelists and Bible expositors. I found her to be an incredibly interesting and brilliant woman. On hot summer mornings driving in to my job at the church office, I'd see Mrs. Nell walking to the church day care. I would stop and offer her a ride. She said she needed the exercise and always declined my offer. Though often plagued with inherited physical problems, she was faithful to manage them in a disciplined way. I learned a long time ago to never bring birthday cake to her house. She never learned how to drive. She said, "Harris always takes me wherever I need or want to go. There's no need for me to drive." During her years serving in the church preschool classes, I would sometimes walk past her door just for the fun of watching her sit in a chair talking to the little ones about Jesus or holding one in her lap. Mrs. Nell served the Lord there for decades and said it was the hardest thing in the world to know it was time to give it up. Afterwards, she was glad the Lord gave her a way to encourage others through cards and notes and letters. By that time her ability to hear was compromised and even talking on the telephone was a challenge. By the way - I still have every note, letter and card she sent to me spanning 50 years. I would visit her thinking I would minister to her, but I ALWAYS walked away knowing it was Mrs. Nell who had ministered to me. She was amazing that way. Several times she would tell me she wanted me to sing at her funeral even as recent as April of this year. She wanted me to sing the song 'What a Day That Will Be When My Jesus I Shall See'. It broke my heart yesterday to know I was not well enough to sing it as her last request of me. One day when I am able, I will stand over her grave and sing it to the top of my lungs and ask the Lord to tell her I did it. Once I put a little video together for Mrs. Nell and I played it at a party in her honor. Several friends and family members recorded why they loved Mrs. Nell. I video recorded little children with signs to hold as they marched around the church yard. The signs said things like, "We love Mrs. Tanner", "Mrs. Tanner hugs us", "Yaye for Mrs.Nellie", "God bless Mrs. Tanner". She laughed and cried and said it was one of the sweetest things she had ever viewed. I am confident that the Lord Jesus has already rewarded Mrs. Tanner with many more accolades than I ever dreamed up. She hears clearly again. She's embracing her Harris and her beloved daughter and loved ones again and she's thanking Jesus face to face like she always wanted. Mrs. Nell Tanner - what a well lived life. What a great steward ! God is good and faithful. I am thankful He brought her to BBC a long time ago.
- Susie (Bruner) Thomas, SAVANNAH, GA
Mrs Tanner was one of my teachers back in the early days of Bible Baptist. I still remember her sweet attitude and her love for people. I like to think her inspiration has helped me be where I am today- a pastors wife of over 40 years. Thank the Lord for her testimony.
- Brenda Bradley , Rincon ,
Mrs. Tanner was a true servant of our Lord. It was always a joy to visit with her. She loved reading her bible and her devotion books daily. To know her was to love her and her love for God. Heaven has gained a saint.
- Chris Payton, Savannah, Ga
I have lost my prayer warrior. Mrs. Nell was very special to me. Met her in Sunday School when I was 13. She was so faithful to pray for us. While I was in Ga earlier this year, I was able to go see her. We had such a wonderful visit. Praying for your family today and in coming days.
- Renee Konnerup, Nairobi, Kenya,
Alan please know that Peggy and I are praying for you and your family. Ms Tanner was an inspiration to us all!
- Joseph Lipski, Savannah, Georgia
Mrs. Tanner touched my life in many ways and taught me Sunday School when I was only 11 years old. Her sweet smile and kindness was shared with many. Such a Godly woman who witnessed and shared her love for Jesus always. She never forgot anyone’s face, even though we didn’t see her often . I am truly thankful for her being a part of my life, and showing me how to love and live for Jesus. My condolences go out to the family, and friends of such a Dear and precious young lady. Rest In Peace Mrs.Tanner.
- Carmen Dickerson, Rincon, Ga
I will have yesteryear memories of Mrs Tanner for many years. She and I served the Lord together at Bible Baptist and i will never forget our talks about our love for the Lord and for the many children we taught through the years. She was truly a gift from God to me and many whom she shared her love and life. A testimony that will live on for years to come. My what a legacy she left behind to all who had the privilege to know and walk through life with her. See you in the morning, Nell!
- Ann Fields, Ellijay, , Ga.
Harris and Miss Neal were teachers of mine. I hugged her last Sunday..
- John Prince, Savannah, GA
Oh sweet Ms Tanner! She was a delight to have known. Always asked about my children and always so so sweet! She will be missed. Hugs to her family and loved ones.
- Jessica Schroyer, Savannah, Georgia
I was heartbroken to hear of Ms. Nell’s passing. She was a sweet, loving, and caring lady, loved by all who knew her. She will be missed. She was a good friend to my Mom who was shut-in for a long time, and went to heaven July 17th. She called Mom every week and sent cards to all. Mom considered her one of her best friends. I received her Christmas card yesterday and was to visit yesterday. God had better plans, as she will spend Christmas with her heavenly family, friends, and Jesus!! We Love you Ms.Nell!!! Gale Sego & Family
- Gale Sego, Richmond Hill, Ga
Danny, just saw your mom’s obituary going through FB this Christmas morning. I’m so sorry for your loss. I know, with all you and others who have shared, your mom was a wonderful Christian woman and I’m confident that her testimony confirms her eternity with our Savior. It helps in letting go of the ones we love to know we, too, will join them when God calls us home. Praying for peace and comfort during this difficult time. Hugs to you and your family.
- Melody Reagan Mammay, Savannah , GA
We are so sorry for the loss of Mrs. Tanner. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family during this difficult time.
- Nancy Rowland/ Marilyn Florie, Savannah, Ga

- Nancy Rowland/ Marilyn Florie , Georg

- Joyce McBride , Georg

- Ros!lind holton , Georg
Time will never dim my memory of Ms. Tanner and the times we worked in Sunday School together. She was such a joy to watch as she worked with the children and molded their minds and hearts to love and serve Jesus. Oh, what rewards she has now in heaven! I will miss my dear sweet friend.
- Joan Brand, Savannah, Ga.
I will dearly miss my precious friend.
- Elaine Grooms, Sylvania, GA
What a wonderful reunion must be going on in Heaven this week! Mrs Tanner was my 6th grade Sunday School teacher back in the day at Bible Baptist Church. She and her husband were so faithful and loving. I will miss seeing her sweet smile on Sundays! Already looking forward to my reunion day with all my family members who are there and with all these dear sweet saints who have gone ahead!
- Kathy Hodges, Savannah, GA
Was a very special lady to me and I loved her very much I will miss her
- , ,
Ms. Tanner was a beautiful soul , we will miss seeing her on Sundays. She was always on the back row, smiling. You all are in our prayers. Susi and jimmy
- Jimmy and Susi Strickland , SAVANNAH , Ga
Mrs. Nell Tanner was my Contentment Mentor. She ended as well as she lived - content in the Lord. This unassuming, quiet little saint is now being embraced and honored in ways she never dreamed possible. I'm so happy for her. I have no memory of her not being in my life. She said she cared for my needs in the church nursery. She told me my Mama was the one who taught her how to plan her family meals around what was on sale at the grocery store to help her make her dollars stretch when she was a young mom. She gave my Mama all of Danny's outgrown clothes for my little brother. She said that her husband sat her down one day with instructions how to make friends at church. Her prior habit was to stand quietly against the wall before and after church to watch folks walk by. Bro.Harris told her that people would never realize how sweet and wonderful she is until she learned to walk up and speak to them in friendly tones. She said she'd never thought about it til his conversation about it with her. She told me she was proud to be the mama of her two boys and thanked God they were both good and honorable men who loved Jesus. She said she missed her daughter every day and knew she would be reunited with her soon. She loved reading biographies about each president of our country, but was embarrassed when a couple of them would use bad words in their book. She loved reading sermons and books by ministers, missionaries, evangelists and Bible expositors. I found her to be an incredibly interesting and brilliant woman. On hot summer mornings driving in to my job at the church office, I'd see Mrs. Nell walking to the church day care. I would stop and offer her a ride. She said she needed the exercise and always declined my offer. Though often plagued with inherited physical problems, she was faithful to manage them in a disciplined way. I learned a long time ago to never bring birthday cake to her house. She never learned how to drive. She said, "Harris always takes me wherever I need or want to go. There's no need for me to drive." During her years serving in the church preschool classes, I would sometimes walk past her door just for the fun of watching her sit in a chair talking to the little ones about Jesus or holding one in her lap. Mrs. Nell served the Lord there for decades and said it was the hardest thing in the world to know it was time to give it up. Afterwards, she was glad the Lord gave her a way to encourage others through cards and notes and letters. By that time her ability to hear was compromised and even talking on the telephone was a challenge. By the way - I still have every note, letter and card she sent to me spanning 50 years. I would visit her thinking I would minister to her, but I ALWAYS walked away knowing it was Mrs. Nell who had ministered to me. She was amazing that way. Several times she would tell me she wanted me to sing at her funeral even as recent as April of this year. She wanted me to sing the song 'What a Day That Will Be When My Jesus I Shall See'. It broke my heart yesterday to know I was not well enough to sing it as her last request of me. One day when I am able, I will stand over her grave and sing it to the top of my lungs and ask the Lord to tell her I did it. Once I put a little video together for Mrs. Nell and I played it at a party in her honor. Several friends and family members recorded why they loved Mrs. Nell. I video recorded little children with signs to hold as they marched around the church yard. The signs said things like, "We love Mrs. Tanner", "Mrs. Tanner hugs us", "Yaye for Mrs.Nellie", "God bless Mrs. Tanner". She laughed and cried and said it was one of the sweetest things she had ever viewed. I am confident that the Lord Jesus has already rewarded Mrs. Tanner with many more accolades than I ever dreamed up. She hears clearly again. She's embracing her Harris and her beloved daughter and loved ones again and she's thanking Jesus face to face like she always wanted. Mrs. Nell Tanner - what a well lived life. What a great steward ! God is good and faithful. I am thankful He brought her to BBC a long time ago.
- Susie (Bruner) Thomas, SAVANNAH, GA
Mrs Tanner was one of my teachers back in the early days of Bible Baptist. I still remember her sweet attitude and her love for people. I like to think her inspiration has helped me be where I am today- a pastors wife of over 40 years. Thank the Lord for her testimony.
- Brenda Bradley , Rincon ,
Mrs. Tanner was a true servant of our Lord. It was always a joy to visit with her. She loved reading her bible and her devotion books daily. To know her was to love her and her love for God. Heaven has gained a saint.
- Chris Payton, Savannah, Ga
I have lost my prayer warrior. Mrs. Nell was very special to me. Met her in Sunday School when I was 13. She was so faithful to pray for us. While I was in Ga earlier this year, I was able to go see her. We had such a wonderful visit. Praying for your family today and in coming days.
- Renee Konnerup, Nairobi, Kenya,
Alan please know that Peggy and I are praying for you and your family. Ms Tanner was an inspiration to us all!
- Joseph Lipski, Savannah, Georgia
Mrs. Tanner touched my life in many ways and taught me Sunday School when I was only 11 years old. Her sweet smile and kindness was shared with many. Such a Godly woman who witnessed and shared her love for Jesus always. She never forgot anyone’s face, even though we didn’t see her often . I am truly thankful for her being a part of my life, and showing me how to love and live for Jesus. My condolences go out to the family, and friends of such a Dear and precious young lady. Rest In Peace Mrs.Tanner.
- Carmen Dickerson, Rincon, Ga
I will have yesteryear memories of Mrs Tanner for many years. She and I served the Lord together at Bible Baptist and i will never forget our talks about our love for the Lord and for the many children we taught through the years. She was truly a gift from God to me and many whom she shared her love and life. A testimony that will live on for years to come. My what a legacy she left behind to all who had the privilege to know and walk through life with her. See you in the morning, Nell!
- Ann Fields, Ellijay, , Ga.
Harris and Miss Neal were teachers of mine. I hugged her last Sunday..
- John Prince, Savannah, GA
Oh sweet Ms Tanner! She was a delight to have known. Always asked about my children and always so so sweet! She will be missed. Hugs to her family and loved ones.
- Jessica Schroyer, Savannah, Georgia
I was heartbroken to hear of Ms. Nell’s passing. She was a sweet, loving, and caring lady, loved by all who knew her. She will be missed. She was a good friend to my Mom who was shut-in for a long time, and went to heaven July 17th. She called Mom every week and sent cards to all. Mom considered her one of her best friends. I received her Christmas card yesterday and was to visit yesterday. God had better plans, as she will spend Christmas with her heavenly family, friends, and Jesus!! We Love you Ms.Nell!!! Gale Sego & Family
- Gale Sego, Richmond Hill, Ga
Services under the direction of:
Fox & Weeks Funeral Directors, Hodgson Chapel
- Funeral Service
- 2:00pm on Mon, December 23, 2019
- Bible Baptist Church
4700 Skidaway Road (map)
Savannah GA 31404 - 912-352-3020
- Family Will Receive Friends
- 12:00pm to 2:00pm on Mon, December 23, 2019
- Bible Baptist Church
4700 Skidaway Road (map)
Savannah GA 31404 - 912-352-3020
- Interment
- on Mon, December 23, 2019
- Bonaventure Cemetery
330 Bonaventure Road (map)
Savannah GA 31404 - 912-651-6843