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Celebrating the life of
Robert Simmons Lanier, Jr. (Sims)
Passed away on April 02, 2024

Robert Simmons Lanier, Jr., “Sims”, 71, of Statesboro, GA, passed away Tuesday, April 2, 2024, after having bravely battled cancer for several years. Sims was born on Friday, May 2, 1952, to Robert Simmons Lanier and Doris Holmes Lanier.
Like his name, “Sims” was truly a unique and memorable person.
In high school Sims played basketball and football for the Statesboro High School Blue Devils. His high academic standing allowed him to skip his senior year of high school and begin attending Georgia Southern University. He was a proud charter member of the Eta Zeta Chapter of Sigma Chi Fraternity and was a Life Loyal Brother who actively enjoyed his college years and social life.
Sims went to work in Washington D.C. as a Congressional aide to Congressman “Bo” Ginn, and on the presidential campaign for Senator George McGovern.
He always knew that he would follow his father and grandfather in the practice of law. While attending John Marshall Law School in Brunswick, GA, he lived on St. Simons Island where he made many more lifelong friends.
Sims was a prominent trial attorney who zealously represented thousands of people for over 50 years, up to the very week before he passed.
He enjoyed sports and rooting for the GSU Eagles, the Atlanta Braves, the Boston Celtics, and the Georgia Bulldogs. He especially loved discussing politics and history and was an active board member of the Bulloch County Historical Society. He was a lifelong member of Statesboro First United Methodist Church and was a fixture in the “Lanier” pew, front left.
Anyone who met Sims for even a brief moment heard about the light of his life-- his daughter Natalie. Sims and his former wife Barbara shared their love of this high achieving, beautiful young lady who to no one’s surprise is preparing to become an attorney like her parents, enrolled at Tulane University School of Law.
Sims is survived by his daughter Natalie Corine Lanier (fiancée Jacob Michael Burton), brother Frederick Holmes Lanier (Lynn), sister Ellen Lanier, brother Paul Thomas Lanier, and his many dearly loved cousins, nieces, and nephews.
Sims will be deeply missed by all who knew him.
There will be Visitation followed by a Memorial Service held at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 13, 2024, at Statesboro First United Methodist Church. Honorary Pallbearers are members of Sims’ Sunday School class, the Living Faith, the Bulloch County Bar Association, and the Bulloch County Historical Society. If entertaining a memorial contribution, please consider Statesboro First United Methodist Church.
You, your family and your loved one will be in my thoughts and prayers.
- Santana Lundy, Statesboro , Georgia

So sorry to learn that Sims has passed. Having known Sims from a professional level; I thought a lot of him and his father before him! May you be comforted by the fact that his battle with cancer is now over and he is at peace.
- Terri Morris Grimm, Portal, Georgia
Sims was a good friend and mentor. He shared many a lunch, good stories, and legal advice. A true southern gentleman, he will be missed.
- Robert M Mock, Jr., Sylvania, GA
Sims was a very talented and brilliant person. He was extremely kind and was always helpful to those that needed him. Prayers go to his family. Sigma Chi lost a great Brother.
- Pratt Hill, Statesboro , GA
I enjoyed each 3 months visit. He was always sharing Natalie’s accomplishments. Saying if there was reincarnation he’d recommend anyone to live the charmed life and come back as Natalie Lanier. We always had a great visit. I will miss Sims. Natalie, you were is pride and joy.
- Gretchen Thomas, Rocky Ford, GA
Ellen, you are in our thoughts during this sad time.
- Amy and Lee Barnes, Statesboro , Ga
Sims was loved by everyone that knew him He inspired me daily for five years that I worked for him and he helped me through the ordeal of being our lawyer for our son.
- Jean Bragg, Statesbori, Geirgis
Sims will be sadly missed. Our families have been friends for many years. I am praying, Ellen.
- Barbara Alice Trowbridge, STATESBORO, GA
Patti and I are very sorry to hear of the passing of Fred's brother, Sims. I only met him once, at my daughter and son-in- law's wedding I believe, and was impressed with what a gentleman he was. Please accept our deepest condolences.
- Dixon, Cumming, Ga
I send my sincere condolences for the passing of Sims. May his soul rest in peace, and sending love to all the family.
- Janna Martin, Savannah, GA
Sims was a friend and my fellow charter brother of the ETA Zeta Chapter of Sigma Chi at Georgia Southern. His smile and wit were most infectious and we have lost a true friend and brother of “ In Hoc”.
- Demery Bishop, Tybee island, GA
Mr. Sims was a friend and a mentor to me. Mr. Sims always played a big part in anything we did at our youth center. We will truly will miss him. I talked to Mr. Sims on the phone about a week before he passed, before he hung the phone up, he stopped and said I love you! I replied back that I love you also. I had a gut feeling then that would be my last time talking to him. He was truly special and we will forever love him.

- Roosevelt Cone Jr. (Roosevelt's Character Development Center), Statesboro , GA
Sincerely sorry about this news. Fly high Sims.
- Jack Roche, Savannah, GA
Somewhere in the80sss Sims Larry Owens an another had a businesss in Spartanburg or Greenville SC an wanted me to fly them up to check it out at the time I had a Cessna 152 so they rented one in Statesboro!!! I got there about dark but I always keep flashlights??? We alll boarded but when it would not turn over sufficiently I let them know they could prop it offf !! They were alll drinking but Simsss won the prop contest l Told him jump back not fallll ??? After 3 or 4 tries it cranked !!! The reason for this trip was club looosing money !!! Big nite was on Thursday just gonna slip in ccc what goes this was a Studabakerss big one packed !!!! They were very upset as this wasn’t as expected ??? as it got around 130 or 200 plusss thy had too take offf buttt I had planned on staying I believe they fired the guy buttt I had been dancing the for hrs butttt here we go back tooo the airport with sims saying he was not proping the plane now this was a low wing piper my first !!!! Buttt I had 5 or 6hundred hrs!!! By then with 3600 now plus !!!! I told them it should crank now butttt it wouldn’t ???? The brakes were not that goood an ???
- Gary wilson, Swainsboro , Ga
Services under the direction of:
Fox & Weeks Funeral Directors, Hodgson Chapel
- Visitation
- 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm on Sat, April 13, 2024
- Statesboro First United Methodist Church
101 S Main St, Statesboro (map)
- Memorial Service
- 2:00 pm on Sat, April 13, 2024
- Statesboro First United Methodist Church
101 S Main St, Statesboro (map)