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Fox & Week hosting service to honor nurses and front line healthcare workers

SAVANNAH – Ellen Louise Cavanaugh's final breath came on August 7, 2020 at St. Joseph's Hospital surrounded by caregivers who had come to love her.
She could have died alone, but she didn't; she could have been another unremembered life, but she won’t be. To the nurses in the Intensive Care Unit at St. Joseph's, Ellen was more than just a patient who needed care, and they believe Ellen deserved more than an anonymous grave.
Fox & Weeks will host a private funeral service on October 11 at 3 pm to honor Ellen's life. The service will also offer the nurses who cared for her a chance to say goodbye to not only Ellen but also the many other patients in recent months who have been lost after receiving loving care from healthcare personnel who have put themselves at risk day after day.
Sadly, little was known about Ellen Cavanaugh. She was born in Kenilworth, New Jersey, on December 21, 1944 to Girard Cavanaugh and Margaret E. Kinney but there is not much more information available about her.
Ellen spent her last years at Magnolia Manor in Midway, but she made an immediate impression on the nurses at St. Joseph’s after being admitted to the ICU. Despite an overwhelming workload, they reached out to ask for a better way to say goodbye to Ellen and other patients who were lost during the past six months.
Although those in attendance will be restricted, the service will be live streamed at https://vimeo.com/463944682 (Password: Loved) for those wishing to witness and honor the work of the front line heroes who play are playing a vital role in our community. The service will be officiated by St. Joseph's chaplain Father Joe Smith and will be dedicated to remembering Ellen's life and celebrating all the medical caregivers who have suffered alongside their patients during these challenging times.
Additionally, Fox & Weeks has established the Ellen Cavanaugh Scholarship for Healthcare Workers to honor the memory of Ellen Cavanaugh and celebrate the contributions of front line healthcare workers who give of themselves daily to help others. Contributions will be placed in a fund, and the scholarship will be awarded to students who plan to pursue a career in healthcare. Contributions may be made via a Go Fund Me account at https://gf.me/u/y3kp2n or checks may be made payable to the To Savannah Community Foundation c/o The Ellen Cavanaugh Scholarship and mailed to The Savannah Community Foundation at 2225 Norwood Avenue, Suite B., Savannah, GA 31406.
Fox & Weeks invites members of the community to visit the Hodgson Chapel at 7200 Hodgson Memorial Drive throughout this week to sign Ellen's memorial book in memory of a loved one taken too soon or a loss that still weighs heavily on your heart. The memorial book will be buried with Ellen so that she will never be alone.
This service would not be possible without generous contributions from:
Savannah Catholic Cemetery
The Pink House Florist
Kim Polote
Mary Alice Garvin
Oglethorpe Marble
Savannah Morning News
Paula Deen
Please contact Fox & Weeks at (912) 352-7200 for more information regarding the service or contributions to the Ellen Cavanaugh Scholarship for Healthcare Workers.